HomeTerms & Conditions
  1. Principality Stadium Experience is the business name of Millennium Stadium Experience Limited, the official catering and hospitality operator at Principality Stadium (“we”, “us”, “our”).
  2. All hospitality bookings are subject to these hospitality booking terms and conditions (the “Hospitality Booking Terms and Conditions”), the Principality Stadium Ground Rules (the “Stadium Ground Rules”), the Conditions of Sale (the ‘‘Conditions of Sale’’) and the ticket terms and conditions and/or terms of admission applicable to the relevant event (the “Ticket Terms and Conditions”) which are available at www.wru.wales and www.principalitystadium.com, and the Seat Unique terms and conditions of sale (“Seat Unique Terms and Conditions”) which are available at www.seatunique.com, and in each case
    may be amended from time to time. In the event of any conflict between the Seat Unique Terms and Conditions and any of the other terms and conditions of sale applicable to your purchase, the latter shall take precedence.
  3. Full payment must be made within five (5) days of the booking (or immediately, in the event that such booking is made 30 days or less prior to the date of the event).
  4. If payment of the full balance is not received in full and clear funds by the dates outlined in Clause 3 above, we reserve the right (without any liability on our part) to (i) cancel the booking and retain any and all funds previously paid by you (for example, any deposit(s) paid by you as part of your original booking) or (ii) request immediate payment by you of the full and final balance that is due payable by you in relation to your booking.
  5. All prices exclude value added tax (VAT) which shall be payable at the rate applicable from time to time.
  6. All bookings are subject to availability and are not guaranteed (subject to these Hospitality Booking Terms and Conditions) until such time as the relevant payment has been received and the booking is confirmed by us in writing.
  7. You are responsible for the actions of all of your guests and will be liable for any damage caused to any hospitality facility by you or any of your guests. You shall ensure that each of your guests complies with these terms and conditions and with any applicable rules, regulations and directions set by us and/or any other WRU Group Company, including the Stadium Ground Rules and the Ticket Terms and Conditions, as applicable and as may be amended from time to time.
  8. Purchasing this hospitality package does not entitle you to any advertising or other commercial rights at Principality Stadium. You shall not display any signage or commercial marks or issue any promotional material in the hospitality suite or any other part of Principality Stadium.
  9. Under no circumstances can hospitality packages or event tickets be re-sold to any third party. Should any packages and/or event tickets be re-sold the booking will immediately become invalid and no refund will be offered.
  10. You shall not in any way use the hospitality package as a prize or in a competition for other promotional activity without our prior written consent (any such consent as may be refused and/or withheld at our sole discretion).
  11. Alcoholic beverages shall only be served to over persons over 18 years of age. Non-alcoholic alternatives will also be available. We reserve the right to request proof of age for any persons who appear to be under 25 years of age.
  12. We give no guarantee that the event will take place or take place in its advertised format. We draw your attention, in particular, to the COVID-19 Terms and Conditions that are included within the Ticket Terms and Conditions. Where an event is re-scheduled, the booking will become valid for the re-scheduled event except in the case of the re-scheduled event taking place at an alternative venue whereupon refunds or rebates will be given at our discretion. You are advised to take out your own insurance to cover such risks and associated costs.
  13. Every reasonable effort will be made to adhere to the advertised packages and events but packages may be altered or dates changed for any reason which we in our absolute discretion shall consider to be necessary from time to time. We shall not be liable for any failure to fulfil any obligation if fulfilment is delayed or hindered or prevented by for any reason that is beyond our control.
  14. To gain admission to the event, the lead booker must bring a valid photographic form of identification (either a driving licence or passport) which matches the name on the booking. Failure to provide this may result in refusal of admission to the event.
  15. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to you in contact, tort or otherwise including negligence (save for any liability arising from death or personal injury due to negligence which shall be unlimited) for loss of business revenue, profits, anticipated savings or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the performance or breach of this agreement, nor shall we be liable for any loss or damage to your property and / or possessions or those of your guests.
  16. Without prejudice to any other limitation or exclusion of liability, our total liability to you (save for any liability arising from death or personal injury due to our negligence, which shall be unlimited) shall not exceed the cost of your hospitality package.
  17. All personal information you provide will be used strictly in accordance with the WRU Group Privacy Policy, available at https://www.wru.wales/privacy-policy/.
  18. These Hospitality Booking Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with English and Welsh law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.
  19. Failure to adhere to these Hospitality Booking Terms and Conditions or any other rules, regulations or directions set by us or any other WRU Group Company or any behaviour by you or any of your guests which is otherwise considered by us to be inappropriate may lead to you and/or any of your guests being asked to leave the premises without refund and may also preclude you and/or any of your guests from attending any future event(s) at Principality Stadium (as may be solely determined by us or any other WRU Group Company.